Previous Seminars
Everyone leaves with knowledge - and smiles!

Workshop Series Overview

Two-day workshop, delve into the theoretical foundations and practical applications of scalp acupuncture. Introduction to Neuro-acupuncture Reactivation Therapy (NART). Learn more

Three-day workshop for stroke and brain recovery, integrating Neuro-Acupuncture and proven rehabilitation techniques. Empower patients recovering from stroke and TBI. Learn more

Five-day workshop that combines the Basics of Scalp Acupuncture and the Advanced Neuro-Acupuncture Workshop into one powerful learning experience. Learn more
Stay Tuned – More Seminars Coming Soon!
Module 3 (M3)
Advanced Neuro-Acupuncture Workshop for Neurological & Psychosomatic Disorders
Parkinson’s, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), Peripheral lesions, Neuropathy, MS, Five-sense organs, etc.
Module 4 (M4)
Advanced Neuro & Orthopedic Acupuncture Workshops for Pain & Sports Medicine
Acquire the knowledge and skills to treat pain from its underlying causes, integrating principles from TCM and biomechanics. Enhance patient trust and confidence through evidence-based practices
Module 5 (M5)
Clinical Internship & NART Certification
Embark on a 5-day intensive clinical internship to accelerate your learning and skill development in our post-acute inpatient and outpatient orthopedic and neuro-acupuncture rehab programs.
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Our Commitment
We are committed to providing high-quality education and training in the field of neuro-acupuncture, fostering professional growth and advancement.